I have finished the first Battlegroup of phalangites for the Ptolemaic army for the Field of Glory. Miniatures are from the Old Glory, pikes made from lances of By Fire and Sword. Leaning sarissas look impressive, you can see the pressure on the enemy formation. On the other hand, placing them to fight with other bases is a hell. Especially cavalry have a problem with it.
11 lutego 2013
I have finished the first Battlegroup of phalangites for the Ptolemaic army for the Field of Glory. Miniatures are from the Old Glory, pikes made from lances of By Fire and Sword. Leaning sarissas look impressive, you can see the pressure on the enemy formation. On the other hand, placing them to fight with other bases is a hell. Especially cavalry have a problem with it.
08 lutego 2013
Równie przydatni będą do czysto Numidyjskiej armii, chociaż występowali w niewielkiej ilości w stosunku do oszczepników. Tradycja łucznicza nie była zbyt rozpowszechniona na zachodzie Morza Śródziemnego.
When Hannibal returned to Africa and clashed with Scypio Africanus at Zama, he put into ranks of his army, some archers of Numidian origin. I decided that I will use them also.
They will be equally useful in pure Numidian army, although they occured in a small number in relation to the javelinmen. The tradition of archery is not common in the west of the Mediterranean.
05 lutego 2013
As I planned expansion of the Carthaginian army, I did not think that I make some urban militia. With the wealth offered by the army; Celtiberians, warriors of the Campania, or even Italiots or Greek mercenaries, seemed to me that I will never make some ordinary citizens of Hadesh cards. :) But I subject the options of battles in Africa, which a key example is Zama, Hannibal's last battle in defense of their native city. Additional option is also a possible war with Persia with the King of Kings Yori. My sprawling empire looks with envy toward the Cyrenaica, and maybe even on the pyramids :)
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