Water is very usefult to give landscape of the battlefield a bit of color. Some time ago I started making a small puddle. I cut a piece of cardboard and put some sand on edges and small pieces of land in the middle. It's been stored in this state for about half a year.
29 marca 2013
Aby nadać krajobrazowi pola bitwy nieco koloru przydaje się woda. Już jakiś czas temu zabrałem się za małe bajorko. Przyciąłem odpowiedni kawałek tektury i zapiaskowałem brzegi oraz małe fragmenty gruntu na środku. W takim stanie przeleżało to około pół roku.
French and Indian War,
Muskets & Tomahawks,
27 marca 2013
Next on the workbench were fences. This is probably my favorite part of terrain! They are easy to build, easy to store and transport, hard to damage, don't "overcowd" battlefield, because are small and fit everywhere, add +50 to the look of the table and to tactical capabilities of our forces.
French and Indian War,
Muskets & Tomahawks,
21 marca 2013
W tej chwili czekamy jeszcze na zamówione figurki. Yoriemu nie wyszedł test Siły Woli i kupił sobie nie planowanych Indian z Conquest'a.
Yori have just said during inauguration of the Mohawks we are going to take some action in a French Indian War in North America (one of the Seven Years War operations theathre - essentially the truly first World War, where the fighting took place in Europe, America and Asia. Extremely interesting time, and probably I will make a few historical posts about it)
At the moment we are waiting for ordered Northstar miniatures. Yori failed Willpower test and bought not planned Indian from Conquest.
French and Indian War,
Muskets & Tomahawks,
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